Boat Safe US
Website Transfer from one platform to another
Boat Safe Us inquired about a change from their old website. They were in search of a site that allowed them to use different functions in order for customers to book easily. Utilizing a calender feature allowed them to manage bookings better. Their site got a full face and became very user friendly.
Throughout every step of the way I was able to keep them up to date with timeline objectives and also allowed for their input to be given and changes to be made on the fly.
CF Web Designs now closely monitors and manages their site while trying to improve their SEO and rank them as high as possible on google.
Mighty Heron Charters
Website management and SEO work
Mighty Heron Charters came to me to push their site and brand to the next level. Their main goal was to give the website a facelift and push their name up the ranks of google results.
Our main goal was to promote brand awareness and community out reach through connecting their social media and website. We also used keywords to provide search engines exactly what they need in order to allow google to rank the site higher.
Mighty Heron Charters went from ranking outside the top 30 when searching for fishing charters in New Jersey to ranking within the top 5.
CF Web Designs now manages their site to date.
Centurion Therapeutics
Website management and member logins
Centurion Therapeutics is a well established medical devices sales company that manages over 300 reps nationally. Partnered with MTF Biologics, they have managed to produce 25 million dollars in revenue.
Centurion Therapeutics needed a full website revamp and the ability to reach more of their target audience. Member logins and file share, along with the ability to provide timely announcements, were going to bring their digital presence to the next level.
Easy to use desktop and mobile platforms allows Centurion Therapeutics to be one of the leader entities in medical device sales.
CF Web Designs manages their site to date.